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What is an Outdoor Classroom

What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review

The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

Defining the Outdoor Classroom

An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

Benefits of Learning in Nature

Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
    • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
    • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
    • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
  • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
    • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
    • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
    • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.
  • Social and Emotional Development:
    • Strengthened social skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
    • Increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and other positive self-concepts.
    • Fosters a sense of place and stronger What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review
  • The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

    Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

    Defining the Outdoor Classroom

    An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

    Benefits of Learning in Nature

    Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

    • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
      • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
      • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
      • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
    • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
      • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
      • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
      • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.

These benefits highlight the transformative potential of outdoor classrooms in nurturing well-rounded, healthy, and engaged learners.

Implementing an Outdoor Classroom

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires thoughtful planning and community involvement to ensure its success and sustainability. Before embarking on this transformative educational journey, securing permission from the local School Board is essential . A successful outdoor classroom incorporates elements such as seating, teaching platforms, natural components, and more, designed to foster an immersive learning environment.

Steps to Creating an Outdoor Classroom:

  1. Get Buy-in: Garner support from the school community.
  2. Assemble a Team: Organise an Outdoor Classroom Committee to manage the project.
  3. Assess the Site: Develop a landscape plan that includes existing features.
  4. Engage Volunteers: Community involvement is crucial for project development .
  5. Seek Funding: Ensure a budget and maintenance plan are in place.
  6. Have Patience: Recognise that the project requires time and dedication.

Training and resources, such as those from Project Learning Tree (PLT), can empower teachers to effectively utilise outdoor classrooms, offering workshops and outdoor exploration backpack programs to enrich the learning experience.


Through an insightful exploration of outdoor classrooms, this article has highlighted how these environments serve as dynamic settings for holistic learning, emphasising child-led exploration and a profound connection with nature. The benefits of learning in natural surroundings, ranging from improved academic performance and increased physical activity to enhanced mental well-being and social skills, underscore the transformative potential that outdoor classrooms hold. By integrating nature into education, outdoor classrooms not only address critical challenges, such as limited physical activity and disconnection from nature but also foster well-rounded, engaged learners prepared to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires a commitment to innovative education and community involvement, paving the way for a more engaging, effective learning experience. To further understand how outdoor classrooms redefine educational spaces and contribute to the development of holistically nurtured students, staying informed is key. If you’re interested in exploring the concept further or wishing to introduce this transformative learning environment in your community, informing yourself about what an outdoor classroom is constitutes a significant first step. As we continue to embrace the benefits and address the challenges, outdoor classrooms stand poised to revolutionise education for future generations, underscoring the importance of nature in fostering comprehensive development and lifelong learning.


What exactly is an outdoor learning classroom?
An outdoor learning classroom is a dynamic environment where participants engage in active learning by doing, encountering, and discovering various activities outdoors. It’s a space where individuals can gain knowledge about the natural world, develop personal and interpersonal skills, and learn practical outdoor skills.

How can one define learning outside of a traditional classroom setting?
Learning outside the classroom refers to educational activities that take place in locations other than the school itself. This approach aims to provide children and young people with diverse, challenging, and exciting experiences that contribute to their learning by exposing them to different environments and contexts.

What makes outdoor classrooms so vital for education?
Outdoor classrooms are crucial because they offer a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the educational experience of children. They allow for practical and hands-on learning about nature and the environment, contribute to the health and well-being of students, and can be both cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

How would you characterise the concept of outdoor learning?
Outdoor learning is a deliberate and strategic method within education that utilises activities and resources outdoors to boost learning outcomes, mental health, well-being, and environmental consciousness. It encompasses both on-site activities within school grounds and off-site experiences, such as on educational trips.

What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review

The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

Defining the Outdoor Classroom

An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

Benefits of Learning in Nature

Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
    • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
    • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
    • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
  • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
    • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
    • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
    • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.
  • Social and Emotional Development:
    • Strengthened social skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
    • Increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and other positive self-concepts.
    • Fosters a sense of place and stronger What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review
  • The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

    Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

    Defining the Outdoor Classroom

    An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

    Benefits of Learning in Nature

    Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

    • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
      • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
      • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
      • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
    • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
      • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
      • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
      • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.

These benefits highlight the transformative potential of outdoor classrooms in nurturing well-rounded, healthy, and engaged learners.

Implementing an Outdoor Classroom

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires thoughtful planning and community involvement to ensure its success and sustainability. Before embarking on this transformative educational journey, securing permission from the local School Board is essential . A successful outdoor classroom incorporates elements such as seating, teaching platforms, natural components, and more, designed to foster an immersive learning environment.

Steps to Creating an Outdoor Classroom:

  1. Get Buy-in: Garner support from the school community.
  2. Assemble a Team: Organise an Outdoor Classroom Committee to manage the project.
  3. Assess the Site: Develop a landscape plan that includes existing features.
  4. Engage Volunteers: Community involvement is crucial for project development .
  5. Seek Funding: Ensure a budget and maintenance plan are in place.
  6. Have Patience: Recognise that the project requires time and dedication.

Training and resources, such as those from Project Learning Tree (PLT), can empower teachers to effectively utilise outdoor classrooms, offering workshops and outdoor exploration backpack programs to enrich the learning experience.


Through an insightful exploration of outdoor classrooms, this article has highlighted how these environments serve as dynamic settings for holistic learning, emphasising child-led exploration and a profound connection with nature. The benefits of learning in natural surroundings, ranging from improved academic performance and increased physical activity to enhanced mental well-being and social skills, underscore the transformative potential that outdoor classrooms hold. By integrating nature into education, outdoor classrooms not only address critical challenges, such as limited physical activity and disconnection from nature but also foster well-rounded, engaged learners prepared to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires a commitment to innovative education and community involvement, paving the way for a more engaging, effective learning experience. To further understand how outdoor classrooms redefine educational spaces and contribute to the development of holistically nurtured students, staying informed is key. If you’re interested in exploring the concept further or wishing to introduce this transformative learning environment in your community, informing yourself about what an outdoor classroom is constitutes a significant first step. As we continue to embrace the benefits and address the challenges, outdoor classrooms stand poised to revolutionise education for future generations, underscoring the importance of nature in fostering comprehensive development and lifelong learning.


What exactly is an outdoor learning classroom?
An outdoor learning classroom is a dynamic environment where participants engage in active learning by doing, encountering, and discovering various activities outdoors. It’s a space where individuals can gain knowledge about the natural world, develop personal and interpersonal skills, and learn practical outdoor skills.

How can one define learning outside of a traditional classroom setting?
Learning outside the classroom refers to educational activities that take place in locations other than the school itself. This approach aims to provide children and young people with diverse, challenging, and exciting experiences that contribute to their learning by exposing them to different environments and contexts.

What makes outdoor classrooms so vital for education?
Outdoor classrooms are crucial because they offer a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the educational experience of children. They allow for practical and hands-on learning about nature and the environment, contribute to the health and well-being of students, and can be both cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

How would you characterise the concept of outdoor learning?
Outdoor learning is a deliberate and strategic method within education that utilises activities and resources outdoors to boost learning outcomes, mental health, well-being, and environmental consciousness. It encompasses both on-site activities within school grounds and off-site experiences, such as on educational trips.

What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review

The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

Defining the Outdoor Classroom

An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

Benefits of Learning in Nature

Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
    • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
    • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
    • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
  • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
    • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
    • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
    • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.
  • Social and Emotional Development:
    • Strengthened social skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
    • Increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and other positive self-concepts.
    • Fosters a sense of place and stronger What is an Outdoor Classroom? An insightful review
  • The Outdoor Classroom concept revolutionizes early childhood education (ECE) by endorsing outdoor environments as vital learning spaces, fostering child-directed exploration, and emphasizing the importance of nature in children’s development. This approach not only enhances outdoor experiences’ quantity and quality but also supports holistic, emergent curricula geared towards children’s natural curiosities and developmental needs.

    Adopting an Outdoor Classroom involves replacing the traditional indoor, teacher-led model with one that values outdoor, child-initiated play as essential for wellbeing, addressing critical challenges like limited physical activity and disconnection from nature. Through activities like outdoor play and environmental education, it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions with the environment, thereby nurturing engaged learners and teachers.

    Defining the Outdoor Classroom

    An outdoor classroom extends beyond the conventional indoor learning spaces to include parks, gardens, playgrounds, and farmlands, offering a dynamic setting for education across all subjects and seasons. These environments are designed with elements such as seating, teaching platforms, and natural components to foster an immersive learning experience. The essence of an outdoor classroom lies in its flexibility and emphasis on experiential learning, promoting motor, social-emotional, language development, and creative expression among children. By integrating nature into the curriculum, outdoor classrooms aim to provide hands-on experiences that encourage exploration, discovery, and a deeper connection with the environment. This approach not only diversifies the educational landscape but also supports comprehensive, holistic learning paradigms that cater to the varied needs and interests of students, thereby enhancing their physical activity and engagement with the natural world.

    Benefits of Learning in Nature

    Outdoor classrooms offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond traditional learning environments, significantly enriching the educational experience for students. Here are some of the key advantages:

    • Academic and Cognitive Benefits:
      • Enhanced academic performance, including higher standardized test scores and grade point averages.
      • Improved focus and academics, supporting better overall academic performance.
      • Significant increase in science scores and improvement in problem-solving skills.
    • Physical and Mental Health Improvements:
      • Reduction in blood pressure, improvement in sleep quality, and decreased obesity.
      • Increased physical activity leading to better overall physical health.
      • Enhanced mental well-being, with a decrease in stress levels and symptoms of ADHD.

These benefits highlight the transformative potential of outdoor classrooms in nurturing well-rounded, healthy, and engaged learners.

Implementing an Outdoor Classroom

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires thoughtful planning and community involvement to ensure its success and sustainability. Before embarking on this transformative educational journey, securing permission from the local School Board is essential . A successful outdoor classroom incorporates elements such as seating, teaching platforms, natural components, and more, designed to foster an immersive learning environment.

Steps to Creating an Outdoor Classroom:

  1. Get Buy-in: Garner support from the school community.
  2. Assemble a Team: Organise an Outdoor Classroom Committee to manage the project.
  3. Assess the Site: Develop a landscape plan that includes existing features.
  4. Engage Volunteers: Community involvement is crucial for project development .
  5. Seek Funding: Ensure a budget and maintenance plan are in place.
  6. Have Patience: Recognise that the project requires time and dedication.

Training and resources, such as those from Project Learning Tree (PLT), can empower teachers to effectively utilise outdoor classrooms, offering workshops and outdoor exploration backpack programs to enrich the learning experience.


Through an insightful exploration of outdoor classrooms, this article has highlighted how these environments serve as dynamic settings for holistic learning, emphasising child-led exploration and a profound connection with nature. The benefits of learning in natural surroundings, ranging from improved academic performance and increased physical activity to enhanced mental well-being and social skills, underscore the transformative potential that outdoor classrooms hold. By integrating nature into education, outdoor classrooms not only address critical challenges, such as limited physical activity and disconnection from nature but also foster well-rounded, engaged learners prepared to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Implementing an outdoor classroom requires a commitment to innovative education and community involvement, paving the way for a more engaging, effective learning experience. To further understand how outdoor classrooms redefine educational spaces and contribute to the development of holistically nurtured students, staying informed is key. If you’re interested in exploring the concept further or wishing to introduce this transformative learning environment in your community, informing yourself about what an outdoor classroom is constitutes a significant first step. As we continue to embrace the benefits and address the challenges, outdoor classrooms stand poised to revolutionise education for future generations, underscoring the importance of nature in fostering comprehensive development and lifelong learning.


What exactly is an outdoor learning classroom?
An outdoor learning classroom is a dynamic environment where participants engage in active learning by doing, encountering, and discovering various activities outdoors. It’s a space where individuals can gain knowledge about the natural world, develop personal and interpersonal skills, and learn practical outdoor skills.

How can one define learning outside of a traditional classroom setting?
Learning outside the classroom refers to educational activities that take place in locations other than the school itself. This approach aims to provide children and young people with diverse, challenging, and exciting experiences that contribute to their learning by exposing them to different environments and contexts.

What makes outdoor classrooms so vital for education?
Outdoor classrooms are crucial because they offer a multitude of benefits that can significantly enhance the educational experience of children. They allow for practical and hands-on learning about nature and the environment, contribute to the health and well-being of students, and can be both cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

How would you characterise the concept of outdoor learning?
Outdoor learning is a deliberate and strategic method within education that utilises activities and resources outdoors to boost learning outcomes, mental health, well-being, and environmental consciousness. It encompasses both on-site activities within school grounds and off-site experiences, such as on educational trips.